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PM Imran Khan's Speech in United Nations General Assembly 25 September 2021: A Call for Justice and Peace of Islam and Others

PM Imran Khan's Speech in United Nations General Assembly 25 September 2021:


In a compelling address to the United Nations General Assembly, Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan raised poignant concerns about the escalating tensions between India and Pakistan, emphasizing the critical role of the international community in maintaining peace and justice. Khan's speech reverberated with echoes of history, urging the world to prevent a repeat of past mistakes and intervene to ensure the well-being of the oppressed people of Kashmir.

The Current Crisis: 

As tensions rise between two nuclear-armed nations, Prime Minister Khan warned that the world stands at a precipice, reminiscent of the events that led to the devastating conflicts of the past. He drew parallels between the present situation and the events of 1939, invoking the Munich Agreement and highlighting the urgency of preventing appeasement.

United Nations' Responsibility: 

With a sense of urgency, Khan reminded the United Nations of its founding principles and purpose. He stressed that the World Body was established in 1945 to prevent precisely the type of crisis that looms between India and Pakistan. He urged the United Nations to rise to its responsibility and prevent a potential catastrophe.

A Test for Justice: 

In the face of mounting challenges, Prime Minister Khan asserted that the situation in Kashmir is a litmus test for the international community's commitment to justice and humanity. He questioned whether the world would choose appeasement or stand up for what is right, particularly when faced with the ethical dilemma of appeasing a populous nation versus championing justice and human rights.

The Consequences of Inaction: 

Khan cautioned that inaction would have far-reaching consequences beyond the borders of the subcontinent. He emphasized that the repercussions of a conflict between nuclear-armed nations would reverberate across the globe, affecting stability, security, and international relations.

A Message of Hope and Determination:

 In a passionate assertion of resolve, Prime Minister Khan invoked his faith and the indomitable spirit of a smaller nation fighting for its freedom. He emphasized that when a nation fights with determination and conviction, even against insurmountable odds, it can impact the course of history.

A Plea for Kashmir: 

A Plea for Kashmir:

Khan implored the international community to address the dire humanitarian crisis unfolding in Kashmir. He demanded the immediate lifting of the lengthy curfew that has paralyzed the region and the release of political prisoners, including thousands of young boys who have been arbitrarily detained.


A Call to Action:

In concluding his address, Prime Minister Imran Khan's words resonated with urgency and a call to action. He beseeched the international community to stand up for justice, uphold the principles on which the United Nations was founded, and prevent a potential catastrophe in the region. As the world listens, the question remains: will history be allowed to repeat itself, or will the world unite to ensure peace, justice, and the well-being of millions in the region?

Prime Minister Imran Khan's impassioned plea at the United Nations General Assembly serves as a reminder of the weight of history and the responsibility of the international community to prevent conflict, uphold justice, and protect the rights of oppressed people. As the world watches and deliberates, the fate of a region hangs in the balance, and the legacy of this critical moment will shape the course of history. It is a testament to the enduring power of diplomacy, dialogue, and humanity's shared commitment to a better future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) PM Imran Khan's Speech

1. What was the main focus of Prime Minister Imran Khan's 

speech at the United Nations General Assembly? 

Prime Minister Imran Khan's speech centered around the escalating tensions between India and Pakistan, particularly in the context of the Kashmir region. He emphasized the need for the international community to step in, prevent appeasement, and ensure justice and peace.

2. Why did Prime Minister Imran Khan draw 

parallels between the current situation and 1939? 

By drawing parallels to 1939, Prime Minister Khan highlighted the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences of inaction. He used the Munich Agreement as an example of the perils of appeasement and underscored the urgency of addressing the Kashmir crisis before it escalates further.

3. What is the significance of Prime Minister Khan's

 reference to the United Nations' responsibility? 

Prime Minister Khan reminded the United Nations of its founding principles, emphasizing that it was established to prevent crises like the one unfolding between India and Pakistan. He called on the international body to fulfill its duty by preventing conflict and protecting the rights of the people of Kashmir.

4. How does Prime Minister Khan view the potential

 the conflict between India and Pakistan?

 Prime Minister Khan stressed that a conflict between two nuclear-armed nations would have global repercussions, impacting stability and security beyond the region. He urged the international community to recognize the severity of the situation and take necessary steps to prevent a catastrophe.

5. What message did Prime Minister Khan convey 

regarding the resolve of a smaller nation?

 Prime Minister Khan conveyed his belief in the determination of a smaller nation to fight for its freedom against all odds. He used his faith as a source of strength, highlighting the potential impact of resolute action even when faced with significant challenges.

6. What specific actions did Prime Minister Khan call

 regarding the situation in Kashmir?

 Prime Minister Khan demanded the immediate lifting of the curfew that had been in place in Kashmir for an extended period, along with the release of political prisoners, including thousands of young boys who had been detained. He sought urgent intervention to address the dire humanitarian crisis in the region.

7. How did Prime Minister Khan conclude his speech at 

the United Nations General Assembly?

 Prime Minister Khan concluded his speech with a call to action, urging the international community to stand up for justice, uphold the principles of the United Nations, and prevent a potential conflict. He emphasized the importance of preventing history from repeating itself and ensuring the well-being of millions in the region.

8. What is the significance of Prime Minister Khan's 

speech for the ongoing situation in Kashmir?

 Prime Minister Khan's speech serves as a powerful plea for international attention and intervention in the Kashmir crisis. It highlights the urgency of addressing the humanitarian and political challenges in the region to prevent further escalation and protect the rights of the Kashmiri people.

9. How does Prime Minister Khan's speech impact

 international relations in the region? 

Prime Minister Khan's speech underscores the importance of diplomatic efforts and international cooperation in preventing conflict and promoting peace. It highlights the role of the international community in shaping the course of events in South Asia and the potential consequences of inaction.

10. What is the overall message conveyed by Prime Minister

 Khan's speech?

 Prime Minister Khan's speech conveys a powerful message of urgency, determination, and a call to action. It serves as a reminder of the weight of history and the responsibility of the international community to prevent conflict, uphold justice, and protect the rights of oppressed people in the face of a critical situation.

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